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Innobyte used in recent Journal of Oral Rehabilitation study on class of occlusion

Writer: Kube InnovationKube Innovation

A recent study published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation has assessed occlusal force in patients with Class II subdivision – using the Innobyte bite force measurement device.


Patients with Class II subdivision have asymmetric malocclusion: Class I molar occlusion on one side and Class II on the other side. As a result, Class II subdivision can be challenging for clinicians to diagnose and treat, especially when asymmetric muscle activations are present.

In Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision malocclusion, study authors Ciavarella, Lorusso, et. al used the Bilateral Innobyte to measure patient bite force in Newtons on each side of the mouth.

Credit: Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision Malocclusion.
Credit: Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision Malocclusion.

They found that Class II subdivision patients had a significant difference in bite force between Class I and Class II sides.

They concluded:

The results of this study revealed significant variations in total force. Specifically, it was observed that patients with subdivision displayed an asymmetry of force, characterised by a high value on the first-class side and a low value on the second-class side.
This observation holds fundamental importance as it may, in part, explain the challenges in correcting this type of malocclusion, even when employing effective systems such as intermaxillary elastics. Evidence of lower strength in patients with Class II malocclusion provides an important point of reflection, prompting clinicians to carefully consider this factor when planning appropriate therapeutic treatment.

The Device

The Innobyte device used in this study provides absolute force measurements (in Newtons) for both sides of the mouth with an accuracy of +/- 5N. Study authors wrote:

This is the first study to use Innobyte as a system for measuring occlusal force in class II subdivision malocclusion. The main advantages associated with the use of the Innobyte include ease of use, the ability to detect the total occlusal force for each side by displaying the respective values in newtons on an LED display and the ability to easily carry the device without the need to use a PC.

Study Summary: Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision malocclusion Study Details

Study authors

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Dental School of Foggia, University of Foggia, Foggia Italy:

Domenico Ciavarella

Mauro Lorusso

Carlotta Fanelli

Donatella Ferrara

Michele Laurenziello

Graziano Montaruli

Rosa Esposito

Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences Dental School of L’Aquila, University of l'Aquila, L’Aquila Italy:

Michele Tepedino


198 patients with a mean age of 32.4 were divided into three groups

  • Class I malocclusion

  • Class II division 1 malocclusion

  • Class II subdivision malocclusion

Three bite force measurements were taken for each patient, with their bilateral bite force shown on the device’s LED display.

Credit: Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision Malocclusion.
Credit: Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision Malocclusion.


The results of this study revealed significant variations in total force between Class I and Class II groups. In patients with Class II subdivision malocclusion, force asymmetry (characterized by a higher value on the Class I side and a lower value on the Class II side) was observed.

For further information

For details, read the complete report, which includes study enrolment criteria, methodology, results and findings: Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision malocclusion.



Ciavarella D, Lorusso M, Fanelli C, et al. Evaluation of occlusal force in Class II subdivision

malocclusion. J Oral Rehabil. 2024;00:1-8. doi:10.1111/joor.13736 13652842, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [27/05/2024].

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