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Innobyte Official Shop

Dentist Office

Dr. Simon Oh

Pennsylvania , USA

Measuring bite force with the Innobyte is now a key factor when I develop a treatment plan. Innobyte helps me determine if a neuromodulator is necessary and provides vital information to patients about their condition.

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Dr. Izchak Barzilay

DDS, MSc (Prostho), Cert Protho, FRDC(C)
Toronto, Canada

Why not have all the occlusal force measurements at hand to help you decide on treatment. Innobyte gives the information that we have been waiting for.

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Dr. Bobbi Stanley

North Carolina,USA

We have been using the Innobyte to show patients their bite force for implants. It works really well for decreased functional bite patients, especially the ones who are missing one or more molars. Often times, patients feel that losing posterior teeth is fine because they do not show in the smile. When we show the decreased bite force, it is more eye opening.

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Please note that approved distributor pricing is subject to change due to local taxes and other fees.

Innobyte Package

Includes Innobyte device, cables, 1 mouthpiece

and 1 box of mouthpiece covers


Replace mouthpiece after 1000 measurements
Use new protective cover after each patient


When I show a patient their bite force using Innobyte™ they are shocked.  They finally understand why their function is affected and why treatment is necessary. Using Innobyte™ I have increased by 30% the number of patients converted to implants in one year.

Dr. Germain Jean-Charles
General Dentistry and Implantology of Canandaigua

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