Watch Innobyte Measure Bite Force Values
Before and After
Implant-Supported Denture Treatment
What our customers say
Leading dentists share how they use bite force measurements in their practices

Dr. Simon Oh
Measuring bite force with the Innobyte is now a key factor when developing the treatment plan. It helps me determine if a neuromodulator is necessary and provides vital information to patients about their condition.

Dr. Izchak Barzilay
DDS, MSc (Prostho), Cert Protho, FRDC(C)
Why not have all the occlusal force measurements at hand to help you decide on treatment. Innobyte gives the information that we have been waiting for.

Dr. Bobbi Stanley
We have been using the Innobyte to show patients their bite force for implants. Often times, patients feel that losing posterior teeth is fine because they do not show in the smile. When we show the decreased bite force, it is eye opening.
Benefits to Bite Force Measurements
Digital Bite Analysis with Innobyte can help:
What is Innobyte™?
Innobyte™ is a bite force measurement device designed by and for dentists.
It measures occlusal force in newtons, giving practitioners vital information about a patient's dental health.
Dentists report that they use the Innobyte to improve their treatment planning for implants, neuromodulators, TMD treatments and more.
Dentists also use Innobyte™ to improve dental practice growth and increase dental case acceptance. Patients can clearly see their occlusal force measurement on Innobyte's digital display or on a chart that shows normal human bite force ranges.

Bite Force Measurement Device
can help you
balance occlusion and
develop treatment plans to adjust occlusion
How to Measure Occlusion with Innobyte
With the Innobyte bite force meter:
Press one button to get a precise digital bite force analysis in just a few seconds
Easy to read digital display
Over 95% accurate
Quickly train your team how to use bite force quotients for maximum ROI
Feel good about the Innobyte Bite Force Measurement Device
The Innobyte is the only occlusal force meter / gnathodynamometer for sale approved by regulatory bodies for use in a clinical setting that measures bite in absolute force.
Now available online!
Choose between
Innobyte™ — Measures overall occlusal force
Bilateral Innobyte™ — Measures bilateral occlusal force

Research facilities using Innobyte
Top research facilities use Innobyte to study bite force and its impact on human health